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Mars Area School District

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Middle School - JROTC Presentations

Middle School - JROTC Presentations
Mars Area Middle School

Members of Pine-Richland/Mars Area U.S. Air Force JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps) will offer presentations for eighth-graders at Mars Area Middle School on Wednesday, Feb. 5.

The presentations will offer an overview of the JROTC program, which is open to all Mars Area High School students (Grades 9-12). The program focuses on community service and teaches respect for self and authority, personal responsibility, and leadership and teamwork skills.

The JROTC curriculum concentrates on different aspects of Aerospace Science. Participants also have an opportunity to visit Air Force bases, aerospace facilities and historic sites; receive flight simulator training; attend drill competition and other JROTC-related socials and sports activities; perform color guard duties; participate in summer cadet leadership camps; and to organize and join in programs serving the local community.

Students, who participate in JROTC are not obligated to serve in the military and the program is not an avenue for recruitment. All uniforms and training materials are provided.

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