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Mars Area School District

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Mars Area School Board has voted unanimously to amend the 2018-2019 Mars Area School District Calendar to accommodate an overabundance of Snow Days. 

Without a change to the current calendar, the last student day would be on Monday, June 10, as the District has already had six (6) Snow Days (Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Jan. 30, Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and Feb. 20). To avoid having the last student day on a Monday, the Board has decided to adjust the school calendar accordingly.

As per the change, school will now be in session on Monday, March 25, for all students, faculty and staff members; and, the In-Service Day that was previously scheduled on that day will now be held on Monday, June 10. (Note: The end of the third nine weeks grading period is now scheduled on Wednesday, April 3, and report cards are expected to be posted to the Skyward Family Access Portal on Friday, April 12.)

Accommodations will be made for any Parent/Teacher Conferences that were previously scheduled on Monday, March 25. Any parents/guardians, who had a conference scheduled on that day or who are interested in scheduling a conference and have yet to do so, are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher or building principal directly. 

With the change to the calendar, the last day for students will be on Friday, June 7. The In-Service Day (Clerical Day) for teachers/staff members that was scheduled on Monday, June 10, will be moved to Tuesday, June 11.

In the event of one (1) additional Snow Day, the District would submit a request to the Pennsylvania Department of Education to make Monday, June 10, an Act 80 Day (no school for students) and the last student day would remain on Friday, June 7.

If the District were to have two (2) additional Snow Days, then school would be in session for all students and faculty members on the Monday after Easter (April 22) and the last student day would still be on Friday, June 7. 

If three (3) or more additional Snow Days are needed, then those days would be tacked on to the end of the school year (Monday, June 10; Tuesday, June 11, etc.) and the In-Service Day (Clerical Day) for teachers/staff members would be held on the day immediately following the last day for students. (Note: In this eventuality, Monday, April 22, would remain a vacation day for students and staff.)

For more information, call (724) 625-1518.